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The API calls to PictoPy are done via HTTP requests since we are hosting our backend on a Flask server. This was done to ensure low coupling between the frontend and the backend. Follow this Link to get example request and response.

Table of Contents

  1. Albums
  2. Image
  3. Face Recognition and Tagging


We briefly discuss the endpoints related to albums, all of these fall under the /albums route

Create Album

  • Endpoint: POST /albums/create-album
  • Description: Creates a new album with the given name and optional description.
  • Request Format:
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string" (optional)
  • Response: Message confirming album creation.

Delete Album

  • Endpoint: DELETE /albums/delete-album
  • Description: Deletes an existing album by name.
  • Request Format:
      "name": "string"
  • Response: Message confirming album deletion.

Add Multiple Images to Album

  • Endpoint: POST /albums/add-multiple-to-album
  • Description: Adds multiple images to an existing album.
  • Request Format:
      "album_name": "string",
      "paths": ["string", "string", ...]
  • Response: Message confirming images were added to the album.

Remove Image from Album

  • Endpoint: DELETE /albums/remove-from-album
  • Description: Removes a single image from an album.
  • Request Format:
      "album_name": "string",
      "path": "string"
  • Response: Message confirming image removal from the album.

View Album Photos

  • Endpoint: GET /albums/view-album
  • Description: Retrieves all photos in a specified album.
  • Query Parameters: album_name (string)
  • Response: JSON object containing album name and list of photos.

Edit Album Description

  • Endpoint: PUT /albums/edit-album-description
  • Description: Updates the description of an existing album.
  • Request Format:
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string"
  • Response: Message confirming album description update.

View All Albums

  • Endpoint: GET /albums/view-all
  • Description: Retrieves a list of all albums.
  • Response: JSON object containing a list of all albums.


We briefly discuss the endpoints related to images, all of these fall under the /images route

Get All Images

  • Endpoint: GET /images/all-images
  • Description: Retrieves a list of all image files in the system.
  • Response: JSON object containing a list of image file paths.

Add Multiple Images

  • Endpoint: POST /images/images
  • Description: Adds multiple images to the system and processes them in the background.
  • Request Format:
      "paths": ["string", "string", ...]
  • Response: Message indicating that images are being processed.

Delete Image

  • Endpoint: DELETE /images/delete-image
  • Description: Deletes a single image from the system.
  • Request Format:
      "path": "string"
  • Response: Message confirming image deletion.

Get All Image Objects

  • Endpoint: GET /images/all-image-objects
  • Description: Retrieves all images and their associated object classes.
  • Response: JSON object mapping image paths to their object classes.

Get Class IDs

  • Endpoint: GET /images/class-ids
  • Description: Retrieves the object classes for a specific image.
  • Query Parameters: path (string) - full path to the image
  • Response: JSON object containing the classes detected in the image.

Add Folder

  • Endpoint: POST /images/add-folder
  • Description: Adds all images from a specified folder to the system and processes them in the background.
  • Request Format:
      "folder_path": "string"
  • Response: Message indicating the number of images being processed from the folder.

Face Recognition and Tagging

We briefly discuss the endpoints related to face tagging and recognition, all of these fall under the /tag route

Face Matching

  • Endpoint: GET /tag/match
  • Description: Finds similar faces across all images in the database.
  • Response: JSON object containing pairs of similar images and their similarity scores.

Face Clusters

  • Endpoint: GET /tag/clusters
  • Description: Retrieves clusters of similar faces across all images.
  • Response: JSON object containing clusters of images with similar faces.
  • Endpoint: GET /tag/related-images
  • Description: Finds images with faces related to the face in the given image.
  • Query Parameters: path (string) - full path to the image
  • Response: JSON object containing a list of related image paths.