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PictoPy uses several SQLite databases to manage various aspects of the application. This document provides an overview of each database, its structure, and its primary operations.

Database Engine

All databases in PictoPy use SQLite, a lightweight, serverless database engine.

Album Database

File Location

The database path is defined in the configuration file as DATABASE_PATH.

Table Structure

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
album_name TEXT PRIMARY KEY Unique name of the album
image_ids TEXT JSON-encoded list of image IDs
description TEXT Album description
date_created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Creation date of the album


The file contains functions for managing photo albums. It allows for creating and deleting albums, adding and removing photos from albums, retrieving album photos, editing album descriptions, and getting all albums.

JSON Encoding

The image_ids field uses JSON encoding to store lists in a TEXT field.

Faces Database

File Location

The database path is defined in the configuration file as DATABASE_PATH.

Table Structure

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT Unique identifier for each face entry
image_id INTEGER FOREIGN KEY References image_id_mapping(id)
embeddings TEXT JSON-encoded face embeddings


The file manages face embeddings for images. It provides functionality for inserting and retrieving face embeddings, getting all face embeddings, deleting face embeddings for an image, and cleaning up orphaned face embeddings.

Referential Integrity

The image_id column maintains referential integrity with the Images database.

Images Database

File Location

The database path is defined in the configuration file as DATABASE_PATH.

Table Structures

1. image_id_mapping

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT Unique identifier for each image
path TEXT UNIQUE Absolute path to the image file

2. images

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY References image_id_mapping(id)
class_ids TEXT JSON-encoded class IDs
metadata TEXT JSON-encoded metadata


The file manages image information, including paths, object classes, and metadata. It provides functions for inserting and deleting images, retrieving image paths and IDs, getting object classes for an image, and checking if an image is in the database.

Path Handling

The system uses absolute paths for image files to ensure consistency across different operations.

YOLO Mappings Database

File Location

The database path is defined in the configuration file as DATABASE_PATH.

Table Structure

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
class_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY YOLO class identifier
name TEXT NOT NULL Human-readable class name


The file is responsible for creating and populating the mappings table with YOLO class names. This database stores mappings between YOLO class IDs and their corresponding names.

Database Interactions

The databases in PictoPy interact with each other in the following ways:

  1. The Albums database uses image IDs from the Images database to manage photos within albums.
  2. The Faces database references image IDs from the Images database to associate face embeddings with specific images.
  3. The Images database uses class IDs that correspond to the YOLO Mappings database for object recognition.

Cross-Database Operation

When adding a photo to an album, the system first checks if the image exists in the Images database, then adds its ID to the album in the Albums database.